January 16, 2010

1-16-2010 Court House Rock Ride

  22 riders showed up for todays  5+ hour ride! Courthouse Rock is South of I-10 West of Tonopah. South from the Salome Road exit.

  I am pooped out and every joint in my body aches. That was some ride! I took a
Tylenol#3 and a HOT bath . That helped a lot but my butt still feels RAW. I need to invest in one of those sheepskin seat covers that the endurance riders use.

 Anyway it was a good turn out and it's always nice to meet new friends. My only regret was that I didn't mingle more with others especially the ones who seemed to be riding alone. I hope they didn't feel left out or ignored.

  I was so impressed with how much energy Mocha has. He goes up the hills like a mountain goat. I hope no one was annoyed with me allowing him to do so. I tried to wait till the others were clear of the top of the hills.

   I think he would do well in Competitive Trail riding if/when I can afford it..  All he wanted to do was trot the first few miles, we were doing circles off to the side so he wouldn't tailgate. He was better coming back but occasionally got his second and third wind and seemed inpatient and wanted to go faster.

  Almost had a wreck on the last hill. I waited till the others were far ahead and let him run up it. At the top his boot slipped out from under his hoof like a banana peel and caused him to stumble. As his front end was going down I let the reins loose and held on the the saddle and I had that feeling that "Oh S*#t , imagining I was going to hit the dirt with him landing on top of me! But it didn't happen. He regained his footing. Lori was behind me. She  thought he had bucked. It felt like he came down on his knees so when I took his boot off I checked him for injury but he was fine. I walked him a little ways to make sure he hadn't pulled a muscle or anything but he was moving along fine so I got back on.

   That last 2 or 3 miles back to the trailers sure seemed long! Usually Mocha picks up speed when the trailers are in sight but he didn't this time. He wasn't dragging like I thought he would be though, he was alert, head up, ears up and he would trot if I had asked him to.

  After we got home Mocha was a dirt powder puff from rolling. Doesn't seem stiff. It never ceases to amaze me how much they can take.

  This picture was taken from the dirt road to the staging area. Boy was it dusty! Mocha was covered with dust when we got there...

 Everyone ready to go...








                     Mocha happy to be back to rest at last!

January 3, 2010

   My friend Lori and I had originally planned to do some exploring out here Saturday the 2nd but after the "abuse" she put herself through Friday we bumped our ride up to Sunday so Lori and JJ could have a day to recover. She went on a 13 mile ride near Wickenburg and didn't realize they were going to go through some very rugged country.

  We rode a little over 11 miles (round trip)...

  We headed out on the trail about 10:30 from the end of Hall Street and followed the wash heading West.

We rode farther than we went last time, following the wash around to the other side of Winchester Mt. to "Desert Queen Mine". 

  I hadn't been there for at least a few years when I drove out with my husband in the 4X4. I was disapointed that most of the last standing building was no longer standing..

 This is what it looked like a few years ago...

 Here is how we found it today...

 We rode on around the hill to the actual mine where we decided on stopping for lunch arriving about 12;30. Which made it about a 2 hour ride to get to that point.

  Lori giving JJ a drink...

Mocha enjoying his lunch break...

There are 3 vertical mine shafts there so for anyone who want's to ride out there in the future I would recommend bringing a horse that behaves VERY well...

1 of the shafts was mostly covered with RR ties but the other 2 were open with no fence around them.

You can see the shaft to the right of Lori - VERY close to the road...

 And on the other side of the road is a ledge, take your pick...

Great view from 1/4 mile road that leads from the shack to the mine...

Headed back about 1:30. We hadn't gone but a half mile when I noticed I didn't have my cell phone so Lori called me on hers and sure enough, no ring. So we rode back up to the shack. If we couldn't find it there we would have to ride along the ledge back to the mine. But luckily it was near the shack..

 We followed the wash  we came on. There is a dirt road that parallels the wash and often crosses back and forth over the wash. I prefer riding the wash. It is a little more rocky than the road but with the sand at least the rocks have some give. ..

There are several  sandy straight-A-Ways in the wash that are great for trotting out or cantering ...

One of the wash crossings...

JJ seems to be glad it's over while she is getting sponged down before their drive home...