February 22nd, 2009 ~ Mocha's first group trail ride.
One of the "AZ Back Country Riders" members invited me along on a ride with some people she knew. 2 were AZBCR members but the others were her neighbors and friends of her Farrier.
I was a little nervous about this ride because I was anticipating Mocha being difficult to handle if he were to get excited being around a lot of horses but what I feared most is the range cattle which he is still afraid of. And my fear would only make him more nervous if he sensed it.
After a 36 mile drive SE of Salome I met "LoriW" and her neighbors at an intersection. What was funny was we all arrived at the intersection within 2 minutes of each other. Than we followed her to someones home farther south where everyone had planned to meet and ride off from...
"LoriW" "Brain Tumor Survivor"
Lori took some pictures of Mocha and I
before we headed out and more during the ride ... ("Thanks Lori!")
Once everyone arrived, about 12 altogether, we headed south on a dirt road until we came upon a corral where there was a gate that opened to BLM land to the West.
I tied him to the trailer and poured him some water.
He drank about a gallon of water I poured some on his chest to help him cool down than brought out his hay cubes to munch on while I unsaddled him.
It was a successful ride with no mishaps.
I am looking forward to next time.
I hope Mocha is too...
"Mocha! Are you hiding?"
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